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Extended memory in a sentence

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Sentence count:15+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2020-12-21Updated:2020-12-21
Similar words: shared memoryextendedextended editionextended areaextended armoverextendedextended rangeextended credit
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(1) The computer uses extended memory.
(2) This extremely fast disk duplicator uses Extended Memory if present to hold an image of the disk being copied.
(3) It also uses Extended memory and will run in Protected mode under Windows.
(4) Operating under Windows 3.0, LabQuest utilises the extended memory capability, multi-tasking and networking features of this graphic interface system.
(5) HIMEM is testing extended memory...done.
(6) Additional code to access data in extended memory spaces is minimized or eliminated.
(7) It will need a third-party memory manager to take advantage of expanded or extended memory.
(8) If you have a 286 or 386 then you have to find a way of converting the natural extended memory to expanded.
(9) EMM386 emulates expanded memory, and smartdrv will run much faster in physical extended memory than it will in emulated expanded memory.
(10) The system mainly includes modules of DSP, power, AD conversion[sentencedict .com], extended memory and USB transportation.
(11) Music files can be stored anywhere in your phone default memory or extended memory card.
(12) The system's hardware adopts MCS-51 single chip machine as data memory and also adopts AT24C64 as external extended memory.
(13) It uses ARM and spread spectrum together and gives hardware of pronunciation communication module, extended memory of main control module, spread spectrum treating module, CPLD module and so on.
(14) By the applied analysis of conventional memory, expanded memory, extended memory, Rom shadow and cache, this thesis sums up the memory technology of PC systematically.
(15) SD-2 log system data transmitted process is analyzed in the article. The extended memory. Interrupt and DMA technology is used in the program according as log practice require.
More similar words: shared memoryextendedextended editionextended areaextended armoverextendedextended rangeextended creditextended familyhave a bad memoryhave a good memoryextendermemoryextendby memorymemory mapextend toin memory ofsave memoryfrom memorymemory lossmain memorymemory unitmemory chipmemory bankmemory cellcore memorymemory boardmemory cachecache memory
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